Just doing a quick release because the preview had some serious issues. I suggest removing the preview before putting this one in place. There is still a lot could be done to this but since Vice is out (and I hear is a better emulator in principle) I will only continue with this one if there is performance problems with Vice.
Frodo (Commodore 64) v0.1
Changes since the preview:
-zip support removed
-tape (.t64) and (.d64) disk image support
-in game menu including image selector
-Speed Limiter
-Joystick Control Swap
Emulator Installation
Copy the folder over as usual and add an item to your menu configuration. Sample below.
MenuItem FrodoPC
Icon = "/usr/local/emulators/FrodoDingoo/commodore.png"
Name = " FrodoPC"
Executable = "./FrodoPC"
WorkDir = "/usr/local/emulators/FrodoDingoo"
Selector = no
C64 Games and Apps Installation
put .d64 and .t64 files in the 64images folder.
Starting a game and Controls
Once you see the Commodore 64 screen press R to bring up the menu.
Go down to "Swap Disk/Tape" and press A.
Select the .t64 or .d64 image you want and press A. The emulator should briefly reset.
Then hold down L and press SELECT and you should hopefully have started your game/app.
Dpad and button A = joystick
START = Virtual Keyboard (just the basics for now)
R = Menu
Menu Options
Resume = Resume
Quit = Quit Emulator
Control = set control to either joystick 1 or joystick 2
Sound = On/ Off
LimitSpeed = On / Off (I had to guess at the right speed so let me know if you think it's running too slow or fast)
Reset C64
Swap Disk/Tape