Wiredbomb0 wrote::shock:
What the hell? I can barely understand what's going on. Can anyone be kind enough to fill me in on how it works? Is the *.s2dtex files, like a *.zip with lots of sprites in it?
s2dtext files are (raw ?) images converted to a certain format like rgb565 (the ones i used). You have to use a tga file and convert it to a s2dtex file using the texture converter in the tools directory of the sdk. once you have the s2dtext file you can load it in the s2dsdk. Have a look at the s2dsdk's sample or booblepop. the file must exist in the same directory as your executeable when running in windows, so add it as a resource in the VC++ ide.
For getting it to work on the dingoo it's a whole other story. you have to create a res directory where all the *.bat files are and put your assets/resources in that directory. in your code you have to call InitDLRes(); at the start of your program and ReleaseDlRes(); at the end depening how you use the s2dsdk. these functions will make it possible to access your assests / resources which gets embeded in the .app file using the dlmake.exe file.
For rubido i just used one of the examples "pmp" directories provided and modified it a bit to my liking. once you got everything you have to build your game / app using those batch files, i didn't modify any of those, just letted it compile with the rest. Just have a look around a bit it's not that hard if you look at the examples source codes.
I did had to trial and error a bit but i got the hang of it now