DingooThemeEMU (more literally correct)
Hey there everyone. I thought that I should at least tell you guys what I have been up too since last night (11pm). This:
I present, the DingooEMU (or DEMU). The idea behind this is so that themers (you know who you are) can test their themes in real-time (haven't gotten to that part yet lol) without constantly copying files across to their dingoo to see how it looks. Since it is only an emu, it's not going to look 100% correct, but from my tests, it's pretty much 95% (the only issue is the font, so don't ask lol). To use it:
1) Download DEMU from here | old
2) Extract DEMU.exe into your res folder (so it's in the same folder as the folders for a,b,c,d,mainface etc)
3) If your icons are not in folder 'a', copy them across (like if you were testing them out in the folder b, just swap the folder names around)
4) Then run DEMU. You will need to have all the icons used on the main menu for it to run (gives an error if you don't).
This is only alpha testing, so I really need you guys to post back with bugs. In a way, try and crash the sucker
NOTE: I've limited how far across the menu you can go, and so you can't go pass Radio. When I get a chance, I will put in the missing information, and remove the limit. Otherwise, there would be issues.
SPECIAL NOTES: For the menu effect (that circle effect), I have used the 3dgame.png files (going from 1 to 10). If I didn't, the program would lag very much, or use a hell-of-a-lot of ram. So, just edit that one, and then replace it with the other png files later.
If you have any problems, suggestions, I would be glad to hear it!
All menu items can now be selected! (nothing will happen though lol)
Downward menu selecting
Menu button circle animation
Loading of all horizontal icons
Names associated with each icon