1@qbQD4T5Z0949 wrote:I was testing dmenu-utf8test.zip ,and it's looking good about Japanese characters in theme.cfg .
But I can't see Japanese filename.
Perhaps, that is the problem on Japanese character-code like euc-jp, shift-jis, and utf8.
I tried to display utf8 Japanese filename, but it displayed like '?????.smc'.
Thank you for shown dmenu0.3 source-code.
I'll try reading the code and if I can, and if you are OK, I'll try making dmenu0.3 Japanese-edition.
Thank you.
I have create an issue on this (http://code.google.com/p/dmenu/issues/detail?id=6). My guess is it's due to FAT32 filenames are not stored in UTF8. If you are able to resolve this, do you mind supply a patch?