I finally got my Dingoo in the mail, and oh boy was it worth the wait! The amount of games, emulators, players, movies is just overwhelming. And I keep on forgetting the specific controls for every application. I made a quick reference card w/ the most important controls. Hope you like it. I printed it out on a 2 sided sheet of paper and keep it w/ my Dingoo.
Bye bye.

Last update: 15-9-2009
- Code: Select all
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Quick reference card for the various
Dingoo controls
Insert coin : Select + start
Start game : A
Exit : Select + L+R
Pause : Select + X
Mame menu : Select + A
Volume etc. : Select + B
Show fps/profiler : Select + L/R
Final Burn Alpha
Horizonal games:
Insert coin : Select + start
Start game : Start
Exit : Select + L+R
Fire 1 to 6 : A,B,Y,X,L,R
Vol. up/down : Select + L/R
Show FPS : Select + Y
Service mode : Select + L+R
Vertical games as above but:
Fire 1/2 : Shoulder L/R
A : Fire!/select
B : Cancel
L : Options menu
Start : Commands menu
Select : Quit
In menus, L jumps from control to control, A selects, and B cancels.
Gmu Audio player:
A : Restart track (don't touch!)
B : Play mode (cont., repeat, etc.)
X : Play/pause
Y : Remove (don't touch!)
Start : Toggle cover art, track info,
file browse, etc.
Select : <none>
shoulder L/R : Track next/prev.
Select + L/R : 10 sec. fwd./back
<-/-> : Volume up/down
v/^ : Up/down in list
Select+Start : Exit
(watch bottom command line for context sensitive additional help info)
Select + B : Menu
PicoDrive (Megadrive/Genesis):
A : C button
B : B button
X : Change video renderer
Y : A button
Select : Picodrive menu
Start : Start/pause
Power+up/down : Volume up/down
B : B
A : A
X : Save State
L : Load State
R : Quit
DOOEngine (PCEng./Turb.GrfX):
(built in mem.)
Select + start : menu
Dongoo's audio player:
<-/-> : Prev./next track
^/v : Volume up/down
hold <-/-> : Search
shoulder R : Pause/resume
Y : Mute
B : Select another track while playing
Select + v/^: Volume when in background play mode
Video player:
shoulder R : Pause/resume
A : Zoom modes!
<-/-> : Prev./next video
^/v : Volume
start + L : TV out
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List of emulators on the
A. External SD card:
1. Nofrendo : Nintendo NES (Famicom)
2. SNES9x : Nintendo SNES (Famicom)
3. SDLGNUBoy : Gameboy & GB Color (use original Dingo OS
for the GBA)
4. SMSPlus : Sega Master System (1987)
5. PicoDrive : Sega Megadrive (= Genesis, 1990)
6. Finalburn Alpha : Neo Geo & CPS1/2 (& Mame)
7. Mame4all : Mame for Dingux.
8. ScummVM : Scumm Lucasarts emu. For point 'n click
games like Monkey Island.
9. OpenMSX : MSX
10. GP2Xpectrum : ZX Spectrum emu?
11. Hatari : Atati ST
12. Stella : Atari 2600!
B. Internal memory:
(orig. OS)
1. DOOEngine : NEC PCEngine (= TurboGrafX)
(native OS only!)
2. GBA : Nintenda GBA
(native OS only)
3. "3D" games : Symbian games?
4. CPS1&2 : Capcom Play Sytem (arcade)
5. MVS : SNK NeoGeo
(multi video system)
6. SNES : Nintendo SNES/Famicom
7. MD : Sega MegaDrive (Genesis)