Hey guys,
just managed to get hexen running thanks to fanoush who pointed out that sdl can convert 8 bit pixel data to 16 bit pixel automaticly.
i basicly chaged only this :
8 bit to 16 bit conversion (thanks to fanoush for pointing out that sdl can do this by itself)
added the putenv("SDL_NOMOUSE=1")
centered the game screen on the dingoo screen since the game normally runs in 320x200 mode.
You will need the hexen.wad file (the 1.1 version of the wad) and have to put it in the same directory as you put the binary. The hexen.wad file is not included !!!
the first time you run the game do not forget to setup the keybindings. strafing using L/R does not work though since i wasn't in the mood to change the keybindings since it basicly works out of the box and one can use a button (like Y + dpad which i use to get strafing).
it also needs a writeable filesystem if you don't want to change the keybindings everytime you run the game. (it will write a configuration file at exit). the sources are included so feel free to change anything you'd like
As usual since it's staticly compiled it should run on any root file system.
download it here :