The disclaimer first
I don't have anyway to map the mouse to the keyboard yet so you need to use stdisk images that boot straight into the game.
It's good or bad depending on which application you run (i.e. bubble bobble fast , parasol stars slow )
I am pretty new to linux and c so I don't know if I can make this any better than it is already.
1. Copy the folder with all its contents to your dingux
2. Put your tos image in the top level folder with the hatari executable and call it tos.img
3. Put you disk images in the diskimages directory
4 .Create an option in dmenu like this (change as appropriate)
MenuItem ATARI
Icon = "res/atari.png"
Name = " "
Executable = "./gohatari"
WorkDir = "/usr/local/games/hatari"
Selector = yes
A - Fire
X - Space
L - Quit
SELECT - brings up menu but as I say I have no way to map the mouse yet.
hatari.cfg file has all the configuration see the hatatari documentation on the net for options.
If anyone want to contribute feel free.
I think it needs a bash script to detect game specific configs
Need someway of getting the mouse moving