Help Rikku2000 fixed Half Life mod on Dmenu 0.3
"Half-Life works only with demu v0.2 dont know why 0.3 not work but 0.3 dont like commands like -game valve"
Dingoo A320 / Dingux - Half-Life(Quake) - Readme by Rikku2000
Half-Life Mod allow to play the Half-life Maps on Quake.
Quake must be installed with Quakux.
Extract all files to your MemoryCard on your Dingoo A320
and copy all files to: "/usr/local/ports/quakux"
Now make an entry in the dmenu.cfg by ports:
MenuItem Half-Life {
Icon = "res/ports/halflife.png"
Name = "Half-Life"
Executable = "./quakux -game valve"
WorkDir = "/usr/local/ports/quakux"
You can find the Half-Life icon in valve folder.

UPDATED 28-09-09
MeneerJansen wrote:Took me forever to find out how to start Half Life. First of all: indeed, Dmenu 0.3 does not support command line options like "-game valve". So first of all (after following the instructions in the top post) create a (text) file in /local/ports/Quakux/ called "halflife". Simply write in this text file (a shell script actually):
- Code: Select all
./Quakux -game valve
Then edit the file /local/dmenu/themes/Base/menu_ports.cfg and change the line: Executable = "./Quakux -game valve" into: Executable = "./hallife" so that it reads:
- Code: Select all
MenuItem Half-Life
Icon = "res/ports/halflife.png"
Name = "Half-Life"
Executable = "./halflife"
WorkDir = "/usr/local/ports/Quakux"
And now here's the Hat Trick: place the file "pak1.pak" in the same folder as the shareware pak0.pak, i.e.: /usr/local/ports/Quakux/id1/. Now what's that pak1.pak file I hear you thinking... It's the non-shareware Quake levels which Half Life seems to need for it to actually run for some reason. Thats why I can't give you an url where to download it from: you'll have to pay for Quake to obtain it legally.
P.S. Save a game with: Select > New game > Save game.
zear wrote:Just keep in mind guys, that you require a text editor that respects the unix endline characters, if you want to write the shell scripts.
Maybe that's the problem it doesn't work for you?
It works fine for me.
P.S. Added my Half Life shell script and my /local/dmenu/themes/Base/menu_ports.cfg file.