Here's a nice little set of over 60 Registered/Retail WADs, Total Conversions, Partial Conversions and MegaWADs for the PRBoom port for Dingux Linux. I call it...
Grab the files from MediaFire here:
DOOMgoo 1.0.7z.001 99MB
DOOMgoo 1.0.7z.002 99MB
DOOMgoo 1.0.7z.003 16MB
This archive expands into a rather respectable 850 MB and all GameFiles can be found in /local/ports/doomgoo/. It tested just fine with toddler's local-0.17.
Here is the DOOMgoo 1.1 Update, along with ScriptFiles for toddler's local-0.23 Image:
DOOMgoo 1.1 Update
DOOMgoo 1.1 Scripts (local-0.23)
DOOMgoo 1.1 Scripts (local-0.23 NoMusic)
Updated HacX DeHacked File for proper play (Thanx Shaokahn!)
Added the following 8 Total Conversions:
Counter Strike 1.3 (Thanx MmmRevolution!)
Wolfenstein 3D - Astrostein
Wolfenstein 3D - Astrostein 2
Wolfenstein 3D - Die, Fuhrer, Die!
Wolfenstein 3D - Escape from Totenhaus
Wolfenstein 3D - Halten, Sie!
Wolfenstein 3D - Operation: Eisenmann
Wolfenstein 3D - The Nocturnal Missions
...just remove all the Scripts from /usr/local/dmenu/scripts/doomgoo/ directory of toddler's local-0.23 Image, download DOOMgoo 1.0, the 1.1 Update and one of the Script Archives (Music or NoMusic) then UnArchive everything to your miniSD Card. Be sure to load a set of Timidity Patch Files to /usr/local/lib/timidity/ if you want music.
There are 61 entries in the DOOMgoo 1.0 Package:
9 Retail/Registered Versions:
The Ultimate Doom
Doom II - Hell on Earth
Final Doom - TNT Evilution
Final Doom - Plutonia Experiment
Doom - Chex Quest
Doom - Chex Quest 2
Doom II - HacX Twitch 'n Kill
Doom II - Hell To Pay
Doom II - Perdition's Gate
13 Top-Rated MegaWADs
Doom II - 10 Sector
Doom II - Deus Vult
Doom II - Deus Vult II
Doom II - TNT Eternal III
Doom II - Hell Revealed
Doom II - Hell Revealed II
Doom II - Kama Sutra
Doom II - Memento Mori
Doom II - Memento Mori 2
Final Doom - Plutonia 2
Doom II - Scythe
Doom II - Scythe II
Doom - Serenity Trilogy
27 Total Conversions
TC - Aliens
TC - Alien vs Predator vs Terminator
TC - Army of Darkness
TC - Batman
TC - Big Freakin Monster Hunt
TC - Blood Remake
TC - Doom II Xtreme
TC - Doom 3 Mr Smiley Head's Safari
TC - Duum 2 Super
TC - Final Fantasy Doom
TC - A Fistful of Doom
TC - GoldenEye 64
TC - Hexen/Heretic
TC - Insanity
TC - Insanity 2 Partial Hiding
TC - Mortal Kombat Sub-Zero
TC - Osiris
TC - Quake II
TC - Sirens
TC - Spear of Destiny
TC - Star Trek
TC - Star Wars 2.0
TC - Strain
TC - The Talosian Incident
TC- Wolfenstein 3-D Original Missions
TC - Wolfenstein 3-D 2nd Encounter
TC - Zombies/Dawn of the Dead
12 Partial Conversions (LevelWAD Name)
PC - Cringe
PC - Disney & Friends (Attack)
PC - Doom64 (Alien Vendetta)
PC - Dragon Ball Z (Requiem)
PC - Fallout (Titan Manor)
PC - Half Life (Trapped on Titan)
PC - LEGO (Congestion 1024)
PC - Looney Tunes (Lost Levels)
PC - Nintendo (1024 Final Mission)
PC - The Tick (Aeternum)
PC - Ult Simpsons (Cleimos II)
PC - Phoenix Weapons 2050
I've done my best to assure that these all run in the Dingoo's port of PRBoom. I've also tried to only include things worth playing. Several of the LevelWADs attached to the Graphic Partial Conversions are Top-Rated/5 Star like Alien Vendetta, Requiem, Congestion 1024 and Cleimos II, and all of them have been played for at least 10-15 minutes. I've actually finished the 1st level of about 20 of them. Some of the WADs are rather large, and tend to bog down PRBoom for a few seconds whenever you enter a new area, but it's manageable... just try boosting the Dingoo's clockspeed (I don't go over 400Mhz) and turning off the music. You did remember to download a set of Timidity Midi Patches and place it in the /local/lib/timidity folder so that all these games will have music, didn't you? While this is by no means an exhaustive list of everything that'll play in PRBoom, it's a very healthy sampling... and I had to stop somewhere. ^_^
All thanx go out to Wraggster for the Dingux Port of PRBoom. Please post in this thread if you have any issues with the Files or the Download.
In my opinion, THIS is the killer app for the Dingoo... now to see how many of those Heritic/Hexen levels on H!Zone are worth playing. Stay Tuned!