alekmaul wrote:What cannot you compile from the source code of xrickoo A600 : ? o_O
if xrickoo is exactly the same and can be compiled for a320, then why would you release it under a different name? if it cannot be compiled directly or has any changes to the source code, you must release the full source code.
What kind of source code do I have to publish under the GNU GPL?
The GNU GPL demands that as soon as you distribute GPL licensed software in executable format you make available the "complete corresponding source code". The GNU GPL also contains a definition of this term:
“ The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for making modifications to it. For an executable work, complete source code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to control compilation and installation of the executable. ”
This is a quite precise definition. For a typical C program, this translates into all the source code (.c files) plus header files (.h files) plus the scripts used to control compilation and installation.
Always keep in mind that it is the purpose of the GPL to enable the users to exercise his freedoms. Specifically, the freedom to make modified versions of the program, and to run such modified versions
of the program.
even a simple "port" must release it's source code.