doing a subscription type thing would be almost worse than paying individually, and giving developers special rights wouldn't make people very happy. The subscription service idea alienates kids who don't have credit cards and who already pay for WoW

. Also we would have to create copy protection and DRM so that one person can't just pay for a day, download everything, then never pay again. This puts more pressure on developers to create code that is harder to hack, and they would end up being paid less. This would also create huge problems of locking up the whole Dingoo scene, I joined and started developing for the GP2X/Dingoo/PSP/DS scene for the precisely the opposite reason. I believe that code should be open sourced and let free into the world, not locked up just for profit. And as many companies have shown, it is possible to profit on open source(iD, DSL, the list goes on).
The whole idea of trying to make an app-store like thing for the Dingoo is completely the wrong direction from where we should go, besides, as many here have stated we don't have the fanbase to successfully launch something like that.
If developers really NEED to make money(as in loss of house if they don't), they can ask politely for donations, or release a game that is closed, but with an open-source demo(much like iD).