I have been able to build lots of applications on dingux thanks to angstrom, which is using openembedded build environment.
The instructions and the needed files are attached.
Some applications I've managed to build are:
helloworld-image x11-image xorg-image opie-image-16mb sdl-image base-image xfce-image gstreamer gstreamer dgen-sdl busybox busybox-static dropbear fbgrab fbset x11vnc mplayer, vlc, nmixer, aumix, screen, mp3blaster, dillo, xterm
Some of there don't run or are segfaulting.
But you can see I was able to build an X server and to launch it.
Booboo doesn't like the idea of building an x server, but I think it's fun, and it could be easier to port some X apps.
The X server needs to listen on local sockets, so I have compiled a kernel with network support (again, this is just to test, for now, as adding net support is memory-hungry)
The kernel is there:
WARNING this is only for XX25 LCD types.
And the instructions are at http://cyberic.free.fr/Dingoo/angstrom/
Included is a list of fixes that I had to apply to make some packages build.
Feel free to add/to share some tips.
PS: It would be great to include these corrections as patches and to include them back to angstrom...
Maybe we should put the fixes in a wiki?